Friday, August 19, 2005

Not a whole hell of a lot to talk about...

Except for how nice the weather's been here the last few days. August in Connecticut is usually filled with the kind of day that just sits on your chest and dares you to do something. The humidity's usually about 9000% and the sky is that sort of white-hot clear. Last few days, though, have been crisp and pleasant, warm during the day but not too warm, and cool enough at night to turn off the fans and air conditioners, and to even think about the approach of autumn. Hopefully, we'll actually have some autumn this year, and not have the temperatures go right from 80 to 40 like the last couple of years.

I suppose I should talk about Summerslam. Usually, the Big Four PPVs(that's Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series, and the Royal Rumble) tend to wrap up and kick off storylines, and I suppose there's some there, but being that I don't watch Smackdown~!, I'm not really familiar with what's going on over there. Anywho, here's my predictions:

Raw Matches:

Eugene Vs Kurt Angle(for Angle's Gold Medal) - This is probably going to be a comedy match, which is too bad, since Nick Dinsmore and Angle could probably have a hell of a old-school match. I figure Kurt Angle will go over here, since there doesn't seem to be much logic to Eugene having Angle's medal for a while longer.

Matt Hardy Vs Edge - I could spend an hour talking about why WWE will screw this up. I'm assuming Edge will go over, since Matt Hardy's the only one who wants this feud to continue.

John Cena Vs. Chris Jericho(WWE Championship) - Cena's done a decent job carrying the belt, and the best thing I can say about this match is that HHH isn't involved. I doubt they're going to put the title back on Jericho, so Cena goes over, probably despite Carlitoference.

Shawn Michaels Vs. The Orange Goblin - The match that everyone wants to see, and it should be something. The buildup to this has been intense, including suggestions that Bret Hart might return. Expect Michaels to hit all his spots, but Hogan to go over in his final(ha-ha) match.

Smackdown~! Matches

Randy Orton Vs. The Undertaker - The Legend Killer takes on The Legend. Frankly, I can't see Orton winning, and it's too bad in a way, cause here's a guy that they could have pushed to the moon, but they screwed up. As a result, he's buried on SD~! and The Undertaker continues to roll along.

Rey Misterio Vs. Eddie Guerrero(Ladder Match for custody of Dominic Misterio) - Yes, you read that correctly. In one of the lamer storylines in recent memory, Eddie Guerrero announced on SD~! that he had donated the sperm for Rey's son because Rey was shooting blanks, and now Eddie wants custody of "his" son. This one's really a tossup to me, but I'll say Rey-Rey gets to keep his kid.

Orlando Jordan Vs. Chris Benoit(U.S. Championship) - I don't know what the storyline is with this at all, but I'd guess that Benoit will win, based on the fact that Jordan's had the belt a while.

Batista Vs. JBL(World Championship, No Holds Barred) - I can't imagine they'll hang the belt back on the most unpopular champion the company's had in a long time, so DAVE~! will take this one, though I'll guess there'll be lots of interference and blood spilled.

And that's it for the show. No tag matches, no women's matches, and hopefully, no sign of HHH.


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