Thursday, August 04, 2005

Damn you, Steroid Boy.

I had a whole pissy EmoJournal-style rant all set to go about the lousy day and how Joe Torre completed it by letting Chacon start the seventh, but then A-Rod and the 'Roid Ranger went and bombed Bob Wickman and changed my mood.

Oh well. No one seems to have noticed that I'm blogging again. Just as well.


Blogger Jon M. said...

Well, no, I know you're reading. You subscribe to my inane ramblings. I meant any of my other old readers, the ITVR guys.

As for the links, I'll probably go through and flush out the dead ones tonight, if I get motivated enough to do it.

8/05/2005 10:14 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

I look through them once in a while. and even more scarce I will post

8/06/2005 1:08 AM  
Blogger Maestroken said...

As I've since mentioned the Blog is mostly dead but the LJ is thriving
ViVe Le Lj

8/08/2005 1:48 PM  

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