Friday, April 01, 2005

A few things.

Firstly, R.I.P Frank Perdue, Terri Schiavo, Clive McLean, and Mitch Hedberg. And the Pope appears to be on his way out as well.

I could say a lot of things about the Schiavo case, but I don't like to do politics on this blog, so I'll just say this. Get yourself a living will and agree on durable power of attorney. It'll save you a lot of heartache and political and religious nonsense down the line.

I'm going to start blogging more regularly, and the blog is going to be more of a movie review blog in the future, as I've realized something. I work in a video store that carries an amazing amount of junk from my cable TV days, so in order to work through my writer's block on the novel, I thought I'd review some old stuff. First up, which will be posted tonight, is "Jekyll and Hyde: Together Again", a scattershot 1983 comedy, not as good as I remembered.

Baseball starts Sunday, and unfortunately for me, the Yanks and Sox are on ESPN at the same time as Wrestlemania. Three guesses which one I'll be watching and the first two don't count.

More later.


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