Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Attention Gary Bettman, NHL Owners, and for that matter, NHLPA.


That is all. More later, maybe.


Blogger Greg said...

Easy and to the point, it is sad as Shad said, fans are alienated, and if they do have a season next year, they will have a rebuilding process to start. Because I will guarantee they are going to lose fans without a shadow of a doubt.

2/16/2005 11:32 PM  
Blogger Mat said...

Dude. They are all Assfaces. They need to give the Cup back-- it doesn't belong to them. I think, given their troubles attracting new fans as it was, this is the death knell for the NHL. They deserve it.

They don't have the sheeplike following of baseball, whose fans crawled back for more after having been shat upon in 1997.
What are they going to do, manufacture a goal-scoring race, like the MLB did with Sosa and McGuire?

In any event, I've been watching a lot of PBR lately.

2/17/2005 8:55 AM  
Blogger Jon M. said...

That blows me away still, by the way.

This is why I watch professional wrestling. No offseason, no labor disputes, and I generally know what's gonna happen before it happens.

If the NHL dies, then it dies. I thought MLB was dead in 1994, so who knows.

2/17/2005 1:34 PM  

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