Thursday, December 30, 2004


Okay, I got Madden 2005 for the PC for Christmas. Can someone explain to me why it is that EA can make a game that mimics almost perfectly the NFL experience, but they can't make a punter who can kick a ball more then 15 yards? I mean, really, I watch football all the time, and the short punt is more exception then rule. I find myself wondering if it isn't intentional to keep games close, because invariably, my punt returner fumbles the ball if the defender is too close. Not once in a while, mind you, but every freaking time.


Downloaded a torrent of various coverages of the tsunamis. That was some serious shit right there, let me tell you. The worst part was watching the people filming who were close to it and wanting to yell "Get the hell away! Stop filming!"

Amazon's collecting money for the Red Cross(like it's going out of style, or so I've read), and you can also find other links to other donations at Boing Boing. Give til it hurts, people, and remember, next time it could be you.

Also, you can go here, which is BuzzMachine's latest post, with references to other blogs about the tsunamis, as well as links to torrents of the news footage and notes about donations.


LokiTorrent, one of the larger BT trackers, is fighting back. Unlike the Pirate Bay, who are out of Sweden, this guy's in the US, and is looking for help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to take on the MORONS at the MPAA. Go get 'em, man~!


Almost done with The Battle Of Algiers. Really. I'm serious. I just have to watch the rest of disc 3 (about 3 hours or so) and then I'm done. Quick thoughts: I can see why they watched it at the Pentagon. It really is something like a microcosm of the problems that we're having over in Iraq. And it's a phenomenal piece of filmmaking, one you can't take your eyes away from.


Tomorrow: 10 best albums I heard this year.


Blogger Maestroken said...

Whenever I'm getting off of Don Vito Torrent, I stay away from Loki Torrent, becuase he has things that are either spyware/crap/Things-that-keep-it-from-working.

1/03/2005 5:30 PM  
Blogger Maestroken said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1/03/2005 5:30 PM  
Blogger Jon M. said...

Well, a lot of the really big trackers are kind of like Kazaa. You hope to get what you want, but your fingers are crossed.

1/04/2005 1:02 PM  

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