Monday, November 29, 2004

Reflections on a crazy month.

I don't know if I'd recommend this to anyone else, but if you've got a solid idea kicking around in your head, and you've got time to spare, then I'd say give it a try.

The worst part of it was losing the six days mid-month, and realizing that I had 12 days to write 38,000 words. The best part of it was realizing just before midnight last night, with just over two days remaining, that I'd hit the 50K mark.

Apparently, Philip Glass is conducive to my creative process. The soundtrack to Koyannisqatsi was a big crutch when I needed to focus. That, Miles Davis, and the Musicmatch streaming "Best of Prog/Art Rock" channel were what I used the last ten days.

One good thing is that I no longer feel like I have to sit down at the computer to write two or three thousand words. My friend Shocker Dan pointed out that the artificial deadline wasn't really a good thing, because of the necessity of rushing, and maybe he's right.

But I never would have gotten this far without the kick in the pants that NaNo offers. So I am glad for that.


I'm planning to devote a good chunk of December to reviews and the end of year Muggs Top Ten lists. I left this blog fallow for too long, and there's stuff to write about.

More tomorrow.


Blogger Maestroken said...

There is much to concur with Dan about on the arbitrary deadline part of the deal, but that also helped you have a reason to start it, and that's the main purpose of it anyway.

Nonetheless Fun Top Tens and Muggz Fun Postery is never a bad thing to have back either.

11/30/2004 4:59 PM  

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