Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Wrestling weddings are never boring.

Watched the bookends of Raw last night.(I was trying to blow out all the Olympic Boxing on the DVR, so I recorded Raw.) Poor, poor Dwayne. I hope Vince gave him a big payout to show up and do his thing to push the utterly awful Diva Search forward (and give the Rhyno/Tajiri tag team a nice bump in the process). You've got to wonder if Dwayne's even going to make a comeback now, seeing as the last couple of appearances have been used to bump along angles that need help(though unlike the Divas, Eugene has benefited from the bump.) It will be interesting to see if he just keeps making movies that no one goes to see in the theatres.

The show closed with the "wedding" of Kane and the "pregnant" Lita. It was something.

Let's see: Midget ringbearers? (check!) Kane in a white tux? (check!) string quartet playing Kane's theme as he came down the aisle? (check!) Lita in black wedding dress? (check!) Odd choice of appearance at wedding? (check! Eric Bischoff came out and read a passage from the Bible, of all things) Inappropriate interruption, with brawl(to move angle along)? (Check! (Trish, in white lingerie(yowsa) coming out to "support" her "friend" Lita, then rolling around on the floor with the "pregnant" Lita.)) Hero coming to try and save the day? (Check! Matt Hardy comes from the crowd to rescue Lita, ends up getting a chokeslam off the stage for his troubles.)

(A side note on the Matt runin. Didja ever notice that in wrestling, whenever someone's entrance music gets played, but they don't appear at the top of the ramp, the person in the ring will walk Pavlovianly to the source of the music, completely oblivious to the fact that their antagonist is actually coming out of the crowd?)

In the end, Kane and Lita were "married" without the expected Lita Heel Turn. One wonders if they're going to pull a Stephanie McMahon Helmsley and have it all turn out to be an elaborate work on Matt Hardy and have Lita reveal she was with Kane all along.

There was wrestling, or so I hear, but considering that they wasted close to an hour on the Diva search and the Wedding, I doubt it actually added up to much. Maybe later I'll watch it.


Blogger Greg said...

I stil say the vowels by both were great. And Kane saying her vowels were great just made it better.

8/24/2004 4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahoy!!! sorry i didnt hav etime to stay and chat about nothing the other night...i'll stop by soon!
dun dun dun...

8/26/2004 6:31 PM  

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