Monday, April 19, 2004

Computer woes...

If you notice a sudden and hopefully temporary lack of blogging sometime in the next few weeks, rest assured that I am not giving this up. My piece of crap EMachines computer is apparently on its last legs. The CPU starts running at 100% after 20 or 25 minutes of use, and sometimes will not stop even after a restart. I don't appear to have a virus unless it's something really unusual, I think the computer's just tired. Any suggestions anyone might have would help, though I suspect it's the motherboard. I'm hoping it will hold out long enough so that when I get another system, I can transfer off the 20 or so gigs of music that are on the hard drive, which is all I really care about.

Anyway, nice day off today despite the Yankees dropping another game to the hated Sox. Watched some boxing and two episodes of Penn and Teller:Bullshit, and spent quite a bit of time playing with my daughter.

Watching Raw now. Pretty damn good show off the PPV, though they're gonna tease us for two weeks with the one on one HBK/Benoit matchup. More "You screwed Bret" chants for HBK tonight, as Benoit cut an impressive promo about Stu Hart (without, unless I'm mistaken, actually mentioning the Hitman). More fun with Eugene, as he shot poor Regal in the balls with one of those T-Shirt airguns, and there was some nonsense involving Kane talking some crap about sacrifices or something. I guess they're gonna try to push the supernatural angle with him again. Molly Holly is apparently now insane, as she snapped on Victoria after Vicki accidentally pulled her wig off. It was an okay show, but nothing to write home about. ME is going on as I type this. It's Edge/Benoit vs. Naitch/DAVE and now the Roided Arsebiscuit(tm Pato(ITVR)) has joined the fun at ringside. They're really trying hard to push Evolution as some kind of Horsemen/NWO thing, but it's getting old and annoying now. Benoit just did his version of a Flair Flop, which was pretty funny. Holy crap, Benoit and Edge just won the tag titles. Where's Bischoff to take them away? Wonder if this means they'll take the Big Gold Belt off of Benoit in two weeks?



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