Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Yanks win and the last of the underdog list.

Big day for the Yankees, as they wiped out the D-Rays 12-1. Kevin Brown looked okay, and my Rotisserie team was happy to take 3 homers and 9 RBI from Jorge Posada and Hideki Matsui. No baseball that means anything till Monday now though, so I can tweak my roster and not take any hits for it.

Okay, so finally I'm down to the last 25 on this list.

76. A Perfect World - Interesting Clint Eastwood movie that no one saw. Surprisingly good Costner performance in this one.
77. The Rules Of Attraction - Bret Easton Ellis movies should not be filmed. That said, this is second best out of the three attempts at Ellis, but far inferior to American Psycho.
78. Point Break - Dude, I'm a surfing FBI agent. Next~!
79. Jesus' Son - Never seen it, no opinion except to say that it seems to have a really good cast.
80. A Knight's Tale - The movie that forced Heath Ledger on us. Written by the apparently schizophrenic that also masterfully adapted "L.A. Confidential" for the screen. Big, big P.O.S~!
81. The Tailor Of Panama - Never saw it, but it rented a lot when it came out. No opinion.
82. Testament - The film that should have been seen on ABC instead of The Day After. No big special effects, no stunt casting, just a sad, moving, quiet elegy for the passing of the human race. Truly a movie that more people should see.
83. Home For The Holidays - Bleagh. Next~!
84. And The Band Played On - HBO's attempt to do a stunt casting style drama of the type they used to make in the 60s and 70s, but about AIDS. As good as a 2 1/2 hour movie diluted out of a massive book could be, and Alan Alda steals the show as the sleazy doctor who tried to take credit for discovering HIV.
85. Zero Effect - Could be the inspiration for Monk. Ben Stiller and Bill Pullman are awesome, and the movie is wonderful. Too quirky for its own good, though.
86. Deterrence - Eh. Movie of the week level stuff, in my opinion. Kevin Pollack is good, though.
87. Candyman - Tony Todd. All that needs to be said.
88. Last Boy Scout - Shane Black strikes again. Bruce Willis movies(save Hudson Hawk) are not underdogs. That said, Taylor Negron and Michelle Harris pretty much steal the show out from under Willis and Damon Wayans, and the script is very witty.
89. Gods and Monsters - Brendan Fraser Acts. No, I'm not kidding. Oddly enough, from the same guy who did Candyman. Highly Recommended.
90. The Winslow Boy - David Mamet writes a movie in which no one swears. Really. Very well done, and unfortunately no one saw this. Great, great movie.
91. Batman: Mask of The Phantasm - Cannot say enough about this one. Easily on the same level with Burton's Batman, and far, far better then any of the sequels.
92. Gremlins 2 - Now here's a sequel that deserves to be on this list. Scattershot, filled with jokes that blew over the heads of its target audience, possibly even a better film then the original. John Glover really was one of the most underrated comedic actors of the late 80's and early 90's. This is the movie that Dante was striving to repeat with Looney Toons Back In Action, and unfortunately fell short of.
93. Pump Up The Volume - I think it's pretty dated today, but it was the shizzle when I saw it originally in the theatres.
94. Kissing Jessica Stein - Heterosexual girls who think they could be lesbians? Um, no. Next~!
95. The Prophecy - Lotta Walken on this list. This is a fun movie and the sequels are almost as good. Plus it has Aragorn as Satan and gratuitous Eric Stoltz.
96. Southern Comfort - A staple of The Movie Channel circa 1982-4. Walter Hill's most under-rated film.
97. A Life Less Ordinary - Danny Boyle pisses away the cred he got for Trainspotting. Wouldn't recover until 28 Days Later.
98. The Hudsucker Proxy - The lone Coen Brothers movie that gets no love. It's not bad, not great.
99. Breakdown - J.T. Walsh is the best thing about this one. Not a great movie.
100. Falling Down - Oh, look, a good Joel Schumacher film. Scarier then a lot of horror movies when you think about how many people like Michael Douglas' character actually exist in the real world. Very darkly humorous.

Well, that's the list. Not a complete load, but not great. Your mileage may vary.

Tomorrow, the ten movies that I think should have been on this list, and maybe I'll finally do something on music.


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